Everybody knows that the price of electricity is steadily increasing each year. But thanks to this new Nikola-Tesla-inspired technology, consumers can save hundreds to thousands of dollars every year on their electric bills.
We as Americans have an energy crisis. With yearly inflation shooting up to a whopping 10%, electricity costs rise even more. For example, in Tyler, Texas, yearly electricity costs shot up by 17.6%, and in Worcester State College, they’re up by a massive 40.3%! Now, the average American household spends over $3,500 dollars on just electricity every year.
This number will get even bigger. And guess what – most of this money goes down the drain!

Just this year, a new study suggested that most Americans are overpaying for electricity by a whopping $27.6 billion dollars per year. But the lawmakers and the Public Utility Commission won’t do anything to fix this.
The Public Utility Commission sent lawmakers a report about the glorious, incredible, fantastic electricity shopping system it regulates. Billions of consumer dollars gone? Not their problem.
Meanwhile, lawmakers refuse to introduce an electricity bill designed to end the deceptive marketing practices that power companies use to reap massive profits every year.
Seems like the crooked business of selling overpriced electricity to consumers will continue. If you don’t do anything, expect your future energy bills to look like this:

A horror show of a system full of confusion, duplicity, and unnecessary complications will continue. If you look at descriptions of more than 300 electricity plans from 55 companies, you see a jumble of garbage language, terms, conditions, and small print - your eyes bulge. And you won't learn your exact price until the bill arrives.
One thing is for sure – you will pay more every year.
But the war isn't lost for the ordinary consumer.
There is a way for you to finally reduce your energy expenses. Clever new technology can help average consumers reduce their electric bills by over $3,000 after the first year.

A German-based startup company has come up with a new innovative and inexpensive gadget that helps you not only lower your electric bill but can also increase the lifespan on expensive household appliances. Starting at just $49, the device would pay for itself within just one month.
What is This Device?

It's called Power Saver Pro and its tech was originally created by no other than the legendary Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist, Nikola Tesla.
Power Saver Pro is a small, compact, affordable, and easy-to-use plug-in unit that stops unnecessary power from entering the electrical cables and overloading the network.
Big Energy is threatened by this device and its potential to cut into profits. And they have a right to be scared.
Power Saver Pro is your power company's worst nightmare. They have been trying to hide Power Saver Pro from the everyday consumer and have even banned it in retail shops. This technology was initially concealed from the general public as it offered average families the opportunity to save on their monthly energy costs.
Thanks to the Internet, the secret is out. Every day people are now reaping the rewards, consuming less power every month, and saving thousands of dollars every year.

The bonus? Your standard blender, microwave, vacuum, or any other household appliance may last longer.
In essence, Power Saver Pro provides the opportunity for you to save up to 90% on your energy bill. That's phenomenal savings and it’s easy to understand why Big Energy wants this device hidden from consumers for good.
The benefits of Power Saver Pro are unparalleled, and researchers are convinced this device could spell the end of unaffordable power bills that can cripple the average wage-earner at the end of the month. And who wouldn’t want to have an extra couple of thousand in their bank account every year? Scientists initially spent many months trying to debunk claims of efficacy, but those studies now prove that Power Saver Pro should be commonplace in every household.
How Does it Work?
Your appliances use a lot of energy when idle. Plus, they always draw more power than they need to run due to inefficiencies and noise on the sine wave.

Power Saver Pro doesn’t steal energy from anyone and doesn’t change what your meter says. It simply reduces this noise and decreases the amount of electricity wasted. With less energy wasted, you use less – and pay less. It’s simple math.
Power Saver Pro is easy to connect. Simply plug into the outlet closest to your breaker box. That is all you need to do, once plugged in the green LED indicates it is powered on and working.
If you have a large home, you’ll get the best results using more devices. Simply place one unit close to the breaker box and another as far away from it as possible. Power Saver Pro is suitable for both standard homes and apartments connected to an electrical grid.
Once you've plugged it in, Power Saver Pro will get to work. Within a few days, it will begin to make efficient use of your energy while allowing you to reap the rewards of a more robust household appliance life-cycle. In just a short time, you will have made your money back on your initial purchase.
Lower Your Energy Costs
We ran tests on several regular family households in the Americans. Even though they had energy uses and electricity prices vary in each state, the results were still amazing.
First, we asked three households to share their energy bills from the previous year:

Then, we asked them to use Power Saver Pro in their homes – and share the energy bills that come later. Here’s what happened after they plugged in a simple $49 device into their outlets:

Household #1 got massive savings of over $3000 a year, without having to change any of their energy consumption habits. Households #2 and #3 saved less: but still managed to get nearly $1,000 back.
That’s a $49 device, paying back for itself over and over again. Your mileage may vary, but either way, you can save piles of money.
In fact, Power Saver Pro is so confident in the success of their product, that they offer a full money-back guarantee on all of your purchases. Whether you’ll be saving $1,000 or $3000 dollars, one thing is for sure: you won’t want Power Saver Pro to come out of your outlet any time soon.
Can Big Energy Actually Stop This?
By now, you know two things. First one you probably already assumed – power companies massively overcharge their customers. The second one (many people are not aware of) is the fact your utility company's power is overloading circuits, wasting energy, your money, and shortening the lifespans of your expensive household appliances in the process.
So naturally, when Power Saver Pro was discovered overseas, power companies spent millions (of probably your own overpaid money) to stop this product from reaching retail store shelves.

It would spell the end of their profiteering, so it was important that they kept it out of the public eye.
However, the questionable legality of such a move put a stop to this. Now, close to 150,000 households worldwide get massively lower power bills, all because of an inconspicuous plug-in device.
Is This Device Actually Legal?
Power Saver Pro is absolutely 100% legal – you're at no legal risk for owning this excellent electricity-saving device because simply put, you're not breaking any laws.
Of course, power companies are not happy with the situation, so they are trying their best to hide Power Saver Pro from the public eye. But you’re not doing anything wrong, and can use Power Saver Pro with a total peace of mind.
Online Response

How Much is it Going To Cost Me?
Seeing what this tech can do, it probably has to cost a fortune. False! Power Saver Pro is on sale at the moment and the more you buy, the more you save!
You can get a Power Saver Pro device in your home, saving thousands of dollars every year, for just $49!
Make sure you get yours while you can. Due to recent media attention and mounting pressure from Big Energy, these handy little gadgets may become impossible to find in the near future.
Start Saving Money Now
Now that you know all the basics about this brilliant invention, we're pleased to announce the company has allowed us to give a special discount to all of our readers. To get your special discounted pricing all you need to do is to follow these 3 steps:
Step 2: When you receive it, open the package and plug it into your wall.
Step 3: Once plugged in, give the device some time to optimize your electricity use.
Here's a tip: Power Saver Pro is a great gift because it will save everybody who receives it a ton of money! Get some more for your friends and family.
Click your state on the map below to get 50% OFF.
Once you order, all you have to do is plug it in and you start saving on energy costs! It's really that easy!
Click your state on the map below to receive free shipping.
Click Here to Get 50% Off Your Power Saver Pro and Free Shipping!NOTE: This product is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.

This works like magic. I was skeptical at first but it never hurts to try. And what do you know, I’m already like 70% down compared to last week. This will save thousands! Awesome!
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I had 150 kwh the week before Voltbuddy. I got 80 kwh now. Had to do nothing but plug the thing into my outlet. Feeling like an idiot that i didn’t buy this earlier.
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My father has lost his job recently, so he got this Voltbuddy to help cut down on the costs. It worked so well, he’s told me to get one for myself, too. His costs are down like 85%, it’s incredible

Had no idea it was that simple to save money. Also had no idea my energy company has been scamming me from thousands of dollars. I feel liberated. Don’t remember anything getting any cheaper recently and this is a lifesaver for me.
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I’m renting my place and the price has been going insane recently. I’ll take any savings i can find and Voltbuddy has been a lifesaver. Can’t believe I was wasting so much money before!